Hi my name is Shaun Vaughn
I am a software engineer. My love of software started with videogames. As a kid, I played all types of games: Mario Brothers, Golden Eye, Final Fantasy, Counter-Strike, and many more. As I got older, I slowly transitioned from living in simulations to building simulations. I wanted to build the worlds that I played. In short, after high school I studied game design and development which eventually lead to my career as a software engineer.
digital abstraction


RockDove Solutions
Crisis Management

Currently working with the .NET/.NET Core stack, docker, and the cloud. Developed many key applications: data analytics dashboard, issue management, import/export tools, and team collaboration applications.

Congressional CRM

CRM developed using .NET stack. Developed reports, constituent mail and case work modules, and reusable UI components.

Catalyst IT Services
Software Consulting

Worked as a developer/consultant. Work consisted of onsite client meetings and software development. Developed many applications using a pleothra of technologies to meet clients' specifications.



10+ years of extensive work experince with Javascript. I am highly proficient. I having an understanding of the in and outs of the both ES5 and ES6. In addition to language depth, I also have in depth knowledge of various libraries and frameworks. These include React, Redux, AngularJS, Jquery, Telerik, RiotJS, and more.


6+ years of working in the Microsoft stack. This includes SQL Server, .NET Framework and .NET Core. I have done everything from data warehousing and ETL to application work in the backend, middle tier, and front end.


3+ years of work experience with Java. I have built many services using Java Spring. In addition to Spring, I have also worked with Android.

Algorithms and Data Structures

Proficient with alogrithms and data structures in multiple languages including: C#, C++, JavaScript, and Java. I Have used and implemented various algorithms and data structures for work and as a hobby. This is evident but not limited to work shown atmy computer science github repository.